All that stuff in our minds filter by analytics

An AI generated portrait of a marctech specialist hard at work

What the heck is Martech and Why Should You Give a Sh*t?

Do you ever wonder why your online apparel shopping experience is getting smoother and more personalized? Are you losing sleep over the insane accuracy of the recommendations you’re getting? Well, Marctech might just be the answer to your nightmares.
by Dag on January 30, 2023
A square mosaic of AI generated images depicting Analytics dashboards, chards, reports and analyses

What is Analytics? A snarky perspective

Ever wondered what Analytics is? With all the different perspectives out there after more than a decade of taking a high seat at the decision makers' table, we bring you a fresh, snarky and somewhat cynical perspective. Dedicated to the newbies who are exploring career opportunities and for the seasoned professional, looking for a sounding board.
by Dag on January 20, 2023